Art direction

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Art direction
Let's talk about art style on this post, what I struggle with the most... The mood board show below: 

Why you might ask me? Before deciding all of this, remember what I purpose on a few posts before? I wanted to let people experience the nightmare, which means I needed to bring the feeling of a nightmare

According to research:
- Nightmare is scary and wired 
- Nightmare is vivid  
- It is abstract

This generation is more attracted to video, visual storytelling, images and graphics. According to study, the graphic they are more attracted to is minimalism, soft tone, unique typography and movement. They tend to pick and look at art with their "sensibility" and gravitate towards unusual materials and are closer to the contemporary sensibility. However, the study also showed instead of soft tone like pink they also seek for darker colour like black.

This means my art should be more strong and impactful. Which I will be using lines with noisy texture to bring this experience and it is abstract because nightmare is wired. Darker tone like black, grey, red and orange can connect to a person's emotion, for example, feeling scared. 

LaBerge, S (1997) "exploring the world of lucid dreaming" [Onilne] Available at: [Accessed 28 June 2018]

Levin, R, Nielsen, A, T (2009) "Nightmares, Bad Dreams, and Emotion Dysregulation A Review and New Neurocognitive Model of Dreaming" [Onilne] Available at: [Accessed 28 June 2018]

Milne, S, L (2008) "Spirits and Other World in Nightmare Imaginary" [Onilne] Available at: [Accessed 28 June 2018]

Nielsen Norman Group (2016) "Young Adults/Millennials as Web Users" [Onilne] Available at: [Accessed 28 June 2018]

Quora (2015)
- Just a little observation on how people think and feel about nightmare

Tardiff, S (2017) "Millennials Have A Favorite Color And It's Not Pink" [Onilne] Available at: [Accessed 28 June 2018]

Zadra, A , Manzini, C (2007) "Pain in Dreams and Nightmares" 
[Onilne] Available at:[Accessed 28 June 2018]


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