Bad Dream VS Nightmare

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Sometimes dreams can be sweet and delightful but also times when it goes dark. Dreams which makes you cry or wake up in the middle of the night, you fear as it was real. We know "bad dreams = nightmare" and similar in many ways, so what are the difference between bad dreams and nightmares:

Bad Dream 
A bad dream is a dream caused by our emotional fear and pressure. So, bad dream is useful for releasing our sense of tension in daily life. The intensity falls lower then nightmare but it still can be disturbing. According to Scientists of University of Montrea discover, fear appears as 65% main emotion in nightmares and 45% in bad dreams (The Rubin Report, 2014). The main difference is that you may continue sleeping with the dram without waking up (Breus, 2014). When you wake up later in the day, you may or may not remember the storyline, theme of a nightmare, but these unpleasant dreams often cause less emotional distress than nightmares (Sleep Science, n.d.). 

Similar to bad dreams nightmares is also a very disturbing dream but usually wakes people up in the middle of the night (Seeman, 2017). In this sense, a wake-up person is directly linked to their nightmare (Jenkins, 2012). This is the difference between bad dreams and nightmares because there is no connection between awakening and continued dreams. Nightmare is caused by extreme pressure and tension caused a huge emotional impact on the person. These are due to trauma, interpersonal conflict, failure, death and etc (Media, 2013). Victims of abuse often suffer from nightmares due to high emotional stress and traumatic experience they experience. One person may experience the same nightmare again and again. This is a serious situation that has a huge impact on a person's mental health (Thunker, 2014). 

Some people cannot sleep because of insomnia, because they fear that the nightmare would reoccur during sleep. As a result, people with nightmares restrain themselves from sleep. Knowing your pressure, needs and fear will help to stop one's nightmare (Burgess, 2001 & Hartmann, n,.d.). From nightmares, one can find benefits and meanings to themselves (Von, 2016).

Target audience 
From the research above we can know some similar behaviour my target audience has. There are many article and journals below, some show that people that just have emotional impact or heavy stress can produce nightmare. As a few posts before my target audience is age group from 18 to 35, people from this stage encounter more stress and nightmare. In this age group, we can know they are either students or working. Stress from assignments, jobs, friends and loved ones can be part of their nightmares. 

From further studies, I will have a post just only on my target audience.

Breus, M (2014) "Bad Dreams or Nightmares?[Online]. Available at: [Aseccesed 10 June 2018]

Burgess, M, Marks, I, M and Gill, M (2001) "Self Help for Nightmares: A Book for Adults with Frequent Recurrent Nightmares[Online]. Available at: [Aseccesed 10 June 2018]

Jenkins, D (2012) "The Nightmare and the Narrative" [Online]. Available at: [Aseccesed 9 June 2018]

[Aseccesed 9 June 2018]

The Rubin Report (2014) "New Findings About Bad Dreams and Nightmares" [Video] Youtube. Available at: [Aseccesed 9 June 2018]

Thunker, M. Norpoth, M. von Aspern, T. Ozcan and R. Pietrowsky (2014) "Nightmares: Knowledge and attitudes in health care providers and nightmare sufferers" [Online]. Available at: [Aseccesed 9 June 2018]

Sleep Science (n.d.) "Bad Dreams, Nightmares, and Night Terrors: Know the Difference" [Online]. Available at: [Aseccesed 9 June 2018]

Seeman, V, M (2017) "Sleep Disorders and Management" [Online]. Available at: [Aseccesed 9 June 2018]

Hartmann, E, M.D (n.d.) "The Nightmare is the Most Useful Dream" [Online]. Available at: [Aseccesed 9 June 2018]

Von, V (2016) "Nightmares, nightmare distress and their treatment through an internet‐based self‐ help intervention [Online]. Available at: [Aseccesed 9 June 2018]


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