Platform changed, Technical & Consultation
After researching for technical software and codes like Unity, Squarespace, PJ5.js and bootstrap. I know there are things that need to be changed because my content and the code I used might be too heavy.
But first, let me talk about my findings with the technical side. Unity is a great tool for creating a 3D environment because I don't want to give up on a chance to create 3D artwork. So I look at its asset and comments but what I found out is that Unity can create a website just "it could restrict your website to pc's and macs (no mobile devices), + it would require every visitor to install the web player plugin." Furthermore, Squarespace is an additional source I look for because speakyourmind an example that created dynamic content out of it. What I know it is support from Squarespace a collaboration, not a tool to use.
I have coded this artefact from scratch, I might consider using PJ5.js as it can create the animation and customization I needed using PJ5.js but I am not familiar with the library. I found out there is a lot of content and things like codes I need to rethink. A responsive website needs to use bootstrap to view and with content created in the gallery I need to use firebase and jQuery. Which makes me start to think of just to focus on one platform, is either mobile or desktop. So I quickly conduct a short survey (20 people) and the result is desktop can bring the best experience but mobile is more convenient as everyone have one, unlike desktop/laptop.
Next, I just book a time to consult with my specialist about the change. He gave suggestion and progressive web on mobile is what I am going to make with desktop as an invitation to the mobile. What we discuss more on:
- Content need to cut downConsultation
Next, I just book a time to consult with my specialist about the change. He gave suggestion and progressive web on mobile is what I am going to make with desktop as an invitation to the mobile. What we discuss more on:
- Art style base on user research or others
- Change platform
- My wireframe can conduct user test to improve
- I am using and making Progressive web app because of time limitation and the knowledge in coding.
- Content overload 4 nightmares, 4 customizations and each customization have 4 type = 64 things I am going to make. Cut down
- User centre board need to change because I change platform
- SWOT need to change because the contents are wrong
- The technical (HTML5, jQuery, PJ5, PWA)
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