Specialist meeting- 6

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On the first week, the WIP I showed was the three set of the nightmare (chase, falling & lost) and the animation of the character.

So the discussion with Din was:
- Maybe I could consider changing my interaction in the customization page, instead of just letting the user clicking on buttons maybe I could think of using gesture like swipe to change the background.

- Since most of my animation for the nightmare will be heavy to load, I need to search for a way to confirm what format I want to export (GIF, Video or maybe using JSON) 

Do I want a 3-second animation before entering the customization page? 

- Also, I need to know when my character is in transparent background there would be white pixel on the edge of the image. How do I remove it? when it is not in vector but in bitmap format?

- I have to start testing my technical part 

On the next day, we have another section with Sweii:
- My update was I finish 3 set of nightmare and I am thinking of changing my interaction to:
- swipe (change background) 
- tap (change character)
- up  down (change colour) 
- shake (change music)

- I should refer back to my goal, don't overuse the interaction because the user might just play with the interaction then focusing on the purpose of customizing the nightmare (Goal- know your nightmare)

Thoughts of the day:
The interaction was just a concept where I am still trying to find whether it is doable, I need to search more on the format to confirm which do not eat up too many spaces causing the web page needs a long time to load. Similarly, I need to find out how to make my character transparent without those white edge. There are still many things I need to do before I really start coding and I really want to finish my visuals before coding, so this way is easier for me to see what could I improve later on. So in the next post, I would discuss the format and research I found which is best for using in web interface.


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